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Style Guide

GP2040-CE welcomes your contribution to our documentation. This document describes the options available for creating content for the site. along with guidelines and conventions.


This site uses Docusaurus version 2. Docusaurus uses MDX as the parsing engine. which can parse standard Markdown syntax as well as render React Components inside the document.

Docusaurus Markdown supports Basic Markdown Syntax and most Extended Syntax. You can see which features are supported here.


At the top of each docs page, you need to include these things:

titleThe main title of the page. This value will appear in the left hand navigation tree for the page.
pagination_prev (optional)The ID of the documentation you want the "Previous" pagination to link to. Use null to disable showing "Previous" for this page.
pagination_next (optional)The ID of the documentation you want the "Next" pagination to link to. Use null to disable showing "Next" for this page.
toc_min_heading_level (optional)The minimum heading level shown in the table of contents. Must be between 2 and 6 and lower or equal to the max value.
toc_max_heading_level (optional)The max heading level shown in the table of contents. Must be between 2 and 6.
descriptionThis is what appears when the page is referenced in a Google search result and what appears when the page is embedded elsewhere.
keywords (optional)A list of terms that help categorize the page for SEO purposes.

The fields above are sufficient for most documentation pages. However,additional frontmatter fields can be found in the Docusaurus plugin-content-docs documentation.

Frontmatter will look like this at the beginning of a document:

title: Documentation Style Guide
pagination_next: null
pagination_prev: null
description: "A style guide on how to write documentation for GP2040-CE using Docusaurus"


The first paragraph of the documentation should set the user's expectations for what they will find on the page. Describe the key benefits to the user, but do not include links.


For accessibility and SEO reasons, never have an H4 header that isn't under an H3 header, or an H3 header that isn't under an H2 header.

  • H1 headers should never be used in a document since the title is automatically generated as an H1.
  • H2 headers are used for SEO, so make sure they succinctly represent what a user will find on the page in that section.
  • H3 headers are included in the page's table of contents on the right, so make sure the title describes something a user might want to directly navigate to.
  • H4 headers are to emphasize things within a subsection of the page; these can be longer than the other headers if needed because they aren't included in the Table of Contents.

Markdown Code:

## H2 Header

### H3 Header

#### H4 Header


Line Breaks

All words are rendered in the same paragraph even with line breaks, so long as there isn't an empty line. As such, it is good practice for each line to be less than 120 characters long for readability, when possible.

If the text is contained in a Markdown table cell, <br/> will need to be used.



The empty line above creates a new paragraph.

This forces a soft return<br />
rather than creating a new paragraph

| Column1 | Column2 |
| ------- | ------------------------------------- |
| Row 1 | - Line 1 <br/> - Line 2 <br/> - Line3 |


This will all be on one line.

The empty line above creates a new paragraph.

This forces a soft return
rather than creating a new paragraph

Row 1- Line 1
- Line 2
- Line3

Pages and Assets

When linking to pages or assets, you will need to use relative links to navigate to the page and asset you need to access.


When moving files into different sub directories, make sure that you update any references to other pages/assets within that page in addition to any other page that reference the moving page. If this is not done, this will result in broken links and errors in the building process.

If Markdown syntax is insufficient, you can use either an inline CommonJS require in JSX image tag or an ES import syntax and JSX image tag. For more information, refer to the Docusaurus documentations


When linking to components, you will need to use absolute links to navigate to the page and asset you need to access. By using @site from any page in any subdirectory, it will locate to the root of the repo (i.e. "/").


When moving components into different sub directories, make sure that you update any pages that utilize that component. If this is not done, this may result in either broken pages and errors in the building process or it may simply fail to render.

import Component from "@site/src/components/ComponentName.tsx";

Hotkey Combinations

When you need to present to the user a single input or input combination, you will need to include both a label selector at the top of the screen and use the Hotkey component to display the input or input combination. By using this component, the user will be able to choose the relevant input mode labels to present the labels.

To use Hotkey Combinations, you need to import two components by placing these lines below the Frontmatter, but above the Introduction:

import InputLabelSelector, {
} from "@site/src/components/LabelSelector.tsx";

Underneath the top header for the page, include this label selector to allow users to select the input mode for Hotkey Combination labels.


Tabs are a great option when an example, instructions or other text would be different in different contexts. The primary usage of tabs on this site is to illustrate the similar content in multiple context.


When a page includes multiple sets of tabs, use a groupId so when the user selects a particular tab, all tabs with that ID will switch to the selected tab.

To use tabs, you need to import two special methods by placing these lines below the Frontmatter, but above the Introduction:

import Tabs from "@theme/Tabs";
import TabItem from "@theme/TabItem";

and then use the tabs as follows:


<Tabs groupId="groupId">
<TabItem value="value1" label="Label 1" default>
This would include information or examples for context 1.
<TabItem value="value2" label="Label 2">
This would include information or examples for context 2.


This would include information or examples for context 1.

Inline Code

To emphasize a single class, method name, variable, direction, filename, etc. in a sentence, place single backticks around the name.


This comment refers to the `GP2040-CE_X.X.X_Pico.uf2` file.


This comment refers to the GP2040-CE_X.X.X_Pico.uf2 file.

Code Blocks

The best way to display code or Markdown text to be copied is with code blocks. Markdown will highlight each language differently, so it is helpful to specify which language you are using, and it's a good idea to include a title with the code block as well.


Example Markdown Page
title: TITLE
# tags:
# -
pagination_next: null
pagination_prev: null
description: "PAGE DESCRIPTION"

# Document Title



Example Markdown Page
title: TITLE
pagination_next: null
pagination_prev: null
description: "PAGE DESCRIPTION"

# Document Title



There are four types of Docusaurus admonitions:

  • Note - Relevant information.
  • Tip - A user should do this.
  • Caution - A user should pay attention to this.
  • Warning - A user might do something dangerous.



Relevant information for you.



You should do this.



You should probably pay attention to this.



You are about to do something dangerous.




Relevant information for you.


You should do this.


You should probably pay attention to this.


You are about to do something dangerous.

You can also change the text of an admonition by including the test next to the admonition type.


:::note[This was labelled NOTE]

Relevant information for you.



This was labelled NOTE

Relevant information for you.

Adding Images to the Repo

All image files should be included in docs/assets directory, in a subdirectory that corresponds to the type of content.

boardsImages of RP2040 boards (commercially available or community designed) that will be referenced in src/config/boards.tsx to be included in Downloads page
imagesGeneral image category for documentation
- Add-ons: Start the filename with gpc-add-ons-
- Web Config Page: Start the filename with gpc-
wiringImages of microcontroller board pinouts to be included in docs/controller-build/wiring.mdx